王杨 发表于 2012-4-11 12:33:37


<DIV class=details>1)对本职工作质量负责;  <BR>Responsible for the quality of job  <BR>工作关系 Working Relationship1/ Report to Area Manager<BR>2/ Subordinates are:   <BR>- Senior Sales   <BR>- Sales staffs  <BR>- Sales supervisor  <BR>3/ Liaise with other departments when requested by the Store-in-charge  <BR>4/ Work with several external suppliers including water supplier, shoe repair shop, contractor as needed and advised by the Store-in-charge  </DIV>
<DIV class=linebox>岗位要求
<DIV class=details>
<UL class="d_rows clearfix">
<LI>语言要求:英语 + 普通话</LI>
<P>任职资格:</P>店经理要求3年以上店铺management的经验,大专以上学历,英语流利。Store Manager should have good store management skill including team building skill, sales management skill,customer service skill with strong fanshion sense.<BR><BR>店主管要求1年以上店铺管理经验,大专以上学历。With luxury experience will be preferable<BR><BR>店员要求1年以上零售经验,形象好,最好有luxury的工作经验。</DIV>
<DIV class=details>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV class=details>有意者请将简历发至:<A href="mailto:ruby.wang@reliance-hr-international.com">ruby.wang@reliance-hr-international.com</A> </DIV></DIV></DIV>
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查看完整版本: 【北京/沈阳/哈尔滨/青岛/武汉/无锡】猎头职位:国际顶级奢侈品直营店招聘店经理/店主