ERLER HERMES(是ALLIANZ GROUP( 控股的子集团,专营信用保险业务(credit insurance),是目前全球最大的信用保险公司,标准普尔评级AA-。母公司安联集团ALLIANZ是一间知名德资企业,全球500强排名前20的大型金融集团,标准普尔评级AA,是拜仁慕尼黑主场安联球场的冠名赞助商,也是F1赛事的赞助商。有兴趣的童鞋可以自己GOOGLE一下~
Job Description 如下:
Job Title: Commercial Assistant
Company: Euler Hermes Information Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch
Place: Based in Beijing
Division: Commercial Team
Required working experience: Less than 2 years
Based in Beijing, the candidate will mainly focus on supporting Commercial Managers in the fields of account
management as well as internal documentation.
The successful candidates should be:
- Graduated from top universities, major in Finance related disciplines preferred but not a must
- Excellent English in both oral and written is absolutely essential for a successful candidate
- Proficient in computer application and operation, where efficiency and accuracy in document processing is highly demanded
- Good command of presentation & communication skills - Team player, self-motivated and disciplined, presentable in business / professional environment [本话题由 rachelviva 于 2013-01-05 10:55:01 编辑] |